【Kuo Yuan Ye X Aaron Nieh】embrace Self-Assembled(Minimum Order Quantity 12 boxes)

Thoughtfulness has no rules or limits- the best gift comes from the heart.
The kindness we offer has no fixed form. Kuo Yuan Ye inherits Taiwan's traditional gift-giving spirit while embracing contemporary values. We take pride in the coexistence of diverse values on this island, celebrating our freedom of choice, perspective, ideals, interdependence, hearts, and new freedoms.

We have carefully curated a new collection of pastries and cookies, combining classic flavors with innovative creations, designed to bring aesthetic joy to every unique soul. Sincerity is emotional, and obsession is dedicated; this is the most beautiful gesture of respect we offer with both hearts.

2021 Golden Pin Design Award
2022 Taiwan Bakery Awards Top 30

*If the order quantity is under minimum quantity 12 boxes, Kuo Yuan Ye reserves the right to cancel the order.
Inventory Status: In Stock

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( Maximum:   10   item(s) )
喜卡(請記得填寫喜卡基本資料 :表單連結 https://reurl.cc/74MWbd)
Price NT$100
Discount NT$100
62457288,1100300000,100.0,298,100.0,deny,0.0,,喜卡(請記得填寫喜卡基本資料 :表單連結 https://reurl.cc/74MWbd) - ,cyberbiz,
Custom Mix Ordering Notes:
1.The minimum order quantity is 12 boxes.
2.The content items shown below are based on available options for selection (9 cookies to choose from 4, 16 pastries to choose from 6). Some seasonal limited items are only available for shipment during their specific month.
3.Please provide the selected cookies and pastries in detail in the order notes so we can prepare your custom gift box. If you need a customized stamp, please leave a message in the customer service inbox, and we will contact you regarding the related details. Thank you.
Thoughtfulness has no rules or limits- the best gift comes from the heart. 
The kindness we offer has no fixed form. Kuo Yuan Ye inherits Taiwan's traditional gift-giving spirit while embracing contemporary values. We are proud of the coexistence of diverse values on this island, and we celebrate our freedom of choice, perspective, ideals, interdependence, hearts, and new freedoms.
We have carefully crafted a new collection of pastries and cookies, combining classic flavors with innovative creations, designed to bring aesthetic joy to every unique soul. Sincerity is emotional, and obsession is dedicated; this is the most beautiful gesture of respect we offer with both hearts.
This product is a commemorative gift box for Kuo Yuan Ye's 155th anniversary. It breaks away from the standard model of fixed content and offers a customizable selection that suits various needs, gift recipients, and dietary preferences. The base box is made from environmentally friendly recycled paper pulp, adding significance to sustainability. Renowned contemporary Taiwanese graphic designer Aaron Nieh was invited to design the packaging. Aaron Nieh as won numerous international design awards and served as a judge for prestigious design competitions like the German Red Dot, Japan's Good Design Award, Taiwan's Golden Pin Design Award, and the Golden Pin New Talent Design Award. He proposed the product concept "Sincerity has no rules," breaking traditional constraints and allowing individuals to express sincerity in their own way. This concept also enables men to present thoughtful gifts to friends or mentors. The packaging, designed with an avant-garde colorful bag, is a visually striking, understated yet premium gift box. This series offers 15 new exclusive items, including hand-made pastries using carefully selected ingredients such as fika fika coffee powder, Japanese Sanmi sugar, Taiwan's Wenshan Baozhong tea, Japanese fragrant yuzu, seaweed sugar, French spring salt, and more. The 12-tael Signature Mochi Pastry and Signature Sesame Pastry have been adjusted to approximately 60g in small sizes, offering individual portions of Signature Mochi Pastry and Signature Sesame Pastry. The 12-tael Pineapple & Coconut Jelly Pastry, which are egg and dairy free, have also been adjusted in size and are now made with hand-crafted pastry dough, aligning with modern consumer preferences.
*Gift box name: embrace (Shiny Color) Self-Assembled / embrace (Shiny Silver) Self-Assembled
*Shelf life/method: Room temperature/calculated from the date of shipment, at least 42 days
*Origin: Taiwan
*After unpacking, please consume immediately or refrigerate to keep fresh.
*Please avoid direct sunlight and high temperature and high humidity places.
*Gift box size: (L)46.0x(W)13.0x(H)10.0cm
*Weight: 454g ±3.0% / box
*成    份:
品    名:日本香柚佐文山包種茶蛋糕   Pomelo Oolong Cake
成    份:蛋、奶油、麵粉、糖、海藻糖、轉化糖漿、雪白油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油、大豆油)、乳化劑(脂肪酸聚合甘油酯、脂肪酸甘油酯、大豆卵磷脂)、抗氧化劑(維生素E)〕、柚子薄片〔柚子皮、糖、寡糖、白柑桂酒、乙醇、抗氧化劑(維生素C)〕、抹茶粉、蜂蜜、無鋁泡打粉〔品質改良劑(酸性焦磷酸鈉)、膨脹劑(碳酸氫鈉)、玉米澱粉、品質改良劑(磷酸二氫鈣)〕、包種茶粉、蘭姆酒
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten, milk, eggs, soy and their products. Its production equipment includes processing mangoes, peanuts, tree nuts, sulfites, sesame and their products.
Weight: 35g ± 9.0%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. The alcoholic ingredients used in the product are intended to increase aroma or remove fishy smell, and the final alcohol content is less than 0.5%. 3. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after unpacking.
品    名:可可奶香餅   Chocolate Biscuit
成    份:麵粉、人造奶油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油)、水、奶油、脫脂奶粉、乳化劑(脂肪酸甘油酯、大豆卵磷脂)、天然香料、抗氧化劑(維生素E)、天然色素(胡蘿蔔色素)〕、糖、蛋、深黑巧克力醬{可可粉、大豆油、糖、未氫化棕櫚調合油〔棕櫚油、棕櫚仁油、乳化劑(聚氧化乙烯(20)山梨醇酐三硬脂酸酯)、葵花籽卵磷脂〕、乳糖、可可脂、大豆卵磷脂、乳化劑(脂肪酸甘油酯)}、可可粉、香料
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten, milk, eggs, soy and their products. Its production equipment includes processing mangoes, peanuts, sulfites, nuts, sesame and their products.
Weight: 40g ± 9.0%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.
品    名:奶香黑芝麻   Black Sesame Biscuit
成    份:麵粉、人造奶油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油)、水、奶油、脫脂奶粉、乳化劑(脂肪酸甘油酯、大豆卵磷脂)、天然香料、抗氧化劑(維生素E)、天然色素(胡蘿蔔色素)〕、糖、蛋、杏仁粉、黑芝麻、牛奶、香料、鹽
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten-containing cereals, milk, eggs, soy, nuts, sesame and their products. Its production equipment processes mangoes, peanuts, sulfites and their products.
Weight: 63g ± 7.0%
Expiration date: marked on the outer packaging (before opening, year/month/day)
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.
品    名:冰沙餡餅   Pea Filling Cake
成    份:白豆沙〔白鳳豆、糖、豬油(台灣)、海藻糖、麥芽糖、鹽〕、麵粉、豬油(台灣)、綠豆沙(綠豆、糖、海藻糖、麥芽糖)、糖、著色劑(食用紅色六號)
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten. Its production equipment processes milk, eggs, soybeans, mangoes, peanuts, sulfites, tree nuts, sesame and their products.
Weight: 50g ± 9.0%
Note: Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after unpacking.
品    名:佛羅倫汀   Florentine
成    份:麵粉、糖、杏仁片、奶油、動物性鮮奶油〔乳油(35.1%乳脂肪)、黏稠劑(鹿角菜膠)〕、蜂蜜、海藻糖、蛋、芝士粉
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten-containing cereals, milk, eggs, nuts and their products. Its production equipment includes processing soybeans, mangoes, peanuts, sulfites, sesame and their products.
Weight: 60g ± 7.5%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.
品    名:佛羅倫汀-花椒   Florentine - Sichuan Pepper
成    份:麵粉、糖、杏仁片、奶油、動物性鮮奶油〔乳油(35.1%乳脂肪)、黏稠劑(鹿角菜膠)〕、蜂蜜、海藻糖、蛋、芝士粉、紅椒粉、香菇湯粉〔香菇粉、麥芽糊精、鹽、調味劑(L-麩酸鈉、DL-胺基丙酸、胺基乙酸、5’-次黃嘌呤核苷磷酸二鈉、5’-鳥嘌呤核苷磷酸二鈉)、糖、品質改良劑(二氧化矽)〕、黑胡椒粒、七味唐辛子(紅椒片、芝麻、桔皮、花椒、羅勒)、花椒粉、花椒粒
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten-containing cereals, milk, eggs, nuts, sesame and their products. Its production equipment processes soybeans, mangoes, peanuts, sulfites and their products.
Weight: 60g ± 7.5%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.
品    名:京饌玉露酥   Signature Mochi Pastry
成    份:烏沙餡〔花豆、麥芽糖、糖、紅豆、大豆油、奶油、海藻糖、黏稠劑(羥丙基磷酸二澱粉)、鹽、紅茶〕、麵粉、麻糬餡〔黏稠劑(羥丙基磷酸二澱粉)、海藻抽出物、糖、麥芽糖、椰子油、香料〕、細肉絲〔豬肉(台灣)、調味劑(L-麩酸鈉)、甜味劑(D-山梨醇液70%)、著色劑(焦糖色素-亞硫酸銨鹽焦糖、食用黃色五號)、防腐劑(己二烯酸鉀0.2%以下)、抗氧化劑(維生素E)、糖、鹽、醬油、漢方香料、大豆油〕、奶油、鹹蛋仁、蛋、豬油(台灣)、糖、人造奶油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油、完全氫化棕櫚油)、無水奶油、乳化劑(大豆卵磷脂)、香料、抗氧化劑(維生素E)、天然色素(β胡蘿蔔素)〕、米酒、鮮奶油〔乳脂、乳固形物、植物性食用膠(關華豆膠)、乳化劑(脂肪酸甘油酯、聚山梨醇酐脂肪酸酯八十)、黏稠劑(玉米糖膠、鹿角菜膠)〕、著色劑(食用紅色六號)
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten, milk, eggs, soy, sulfites and their products. Its production equipment includes processing mangoes, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame and their products.
Weight: 62g ± 7.0%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.
品    名:玫瑰荔枝佐西班牙白酒蛋糕   Rose Lychee Cake
成    份:蛋、奶油、麵粉、糖、海藻糖、轉化糖漿、雪白油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油、大豆油)、乳化劑(脂肪酸聚合甘油酯、脂肪酸甘油酯、大豆卵磷脂)、抗氧化劑(維生素E)〕、蜂蜜、荔枝乾、白酒、甜菜根粉、無鋁泡打粉〔品質改良劑(酸性焦磷酸鈉)、膨脹劑(碳酸氫鈉)、玉米澱粉、品質改良劑(磷酸二氫鈣)〕、玫瑰花、蘭姆酒
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten, milk, eggs, soy and their products. Its production equipment includes processing mangoes, peanuts, tree nuts, sulfites, sesame and their products.
Weight: 35g ± 9.0%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. The alcoholic ingredients used in the product are intended to increase aroma or remove fishy smell, and the final alcohol content is less than 0.5%. 3. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after unpacking.
品    名:芝核香蛋酥   Signature Sesame Pastry
成    份:素芝麻核桃碎蛋餡{奶油、素蛋黃〔綠豆沙(綠豆、糖、海藻糖、麥芽糖)、芝士粉、鹽、天然食用色素(黃梔子色素)〕、麵粉、冬瓜條〔冬瓜、糖、品質改良劑(氫氧化鈣、氯化鈣)、漂白劑(偏亞硫酸氫鈉)〕、奶粉、碎核桃、葡萄乾、糖、椰子粉、白芝麻、起酥皮、馬鈴薯澱粉、芝士粉、麥芽糖、鹽、香料}、麵粉、奶油、白芝麻、人造奶油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油、完全氫化棕櫚油)、無水奶油、乳化劑(大豆卵磷脂)、香料、抗氧化劑(維生素E)、天然色素(β胡蘿蔔素)〕、糖
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten-containing cereals, milk, soy, nuts, sulfites, sesame and their products. Its production facilities include processing eggs, mangoes, peanuts and their products.
Weight: 56g ± 8.0%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.
品    名:花千層-咖啡   Floral Mille-Feuille - Coffee
成    份:麵粉、奶油、夏威夷豆、蛋、糖、咖啡、鹽
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten-containing cereals, milk, eggs, nuts and their products. Its production equipment includes processing soybeans, mangoes, peanuts, sulfites, sesame and their products.
Weight: 12g ± 9.0%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.
品    名:花千層-花椒   Floral Mille-Feuille - Sichuan Pepper
成    份:麵粉、奶油、糖、蛋、腰果、花椒粉、花椒粒、鹽Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten-containing cereals, milk, eggs, nuts and their products. Its production equipment includes processing soybeans, mangoes, peanuts, sulfites, sesame and their products.
Weight: 12g ± 9.0%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.
品    名:花千層-草莓    Floral Mille-Feuille - Strawberry
成    份:麵粉、草莓果粒巧克力風味片{未氫化棕櫚調合油〔棕櫚油、棕櫚仁油、乳化劑(聚氧化乙烯(20)山梨醇酐三硬脂酸酯)、葵花籽卵磷脂〕、乳糖、糖、脫脂奶粉、可可脂、大豆油、草莓果粒、草莓香料、大豆卵磷脂、梔子紅色素、乳化劑(脂肪酸甘油酯)}、奶油、蛋、杏仁角、大豆油、乾燥草莓丁、糖、鹽
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten, milk, eggs, soy, nuts and their products. Its production equipment includes processing mangoes, peanuts, sulfites, sesame and their products.
Weight: 22g ± 9.0%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.
品    名:紅豆蛋白霜餅   Red Bean Meringue
成    份:糖、杏仁粉、蛋、麵粉、甜菜根粉、玉米澱粉、生紅花豆豆沙(紅雲豆、花豆)
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten-containing grains, eggs, nuts and their products. Its production facilities process milk, soybeans, mangoes, peanuts, sulfites, sesame and their products.
Weight: 14g ± 9.0%
Note: Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after unpacking.
品    名:紅糖奶香餅   Brown Sugar Biscuit
成    份:麵粉、人造奶油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油)、水、奶油、脫脂奶粉、乳化劑(脂肪酸甘油酯、大豆卵磷脂)、天然香料、抗氧化劑(維生素E)、天然色素(胡蘿蔔色素)〕、黑糖、雪白油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油、大豆油)、乳化劑(脂肪酸聚合甘油酯、脂肪酸甘油酯、大豆卵磷脂)、抗氧化劑(維生素E)〕、蛋、楓糖漿、芝士粉
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten, milk, eggs, soy and their products. Its production equipment includes processing mangoes, peanuts, sulfites, nuts, sesame and their products.
Weight: 40g ± 9.0%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.
品    名:海苔香酥餅   Seaweed Biscuit
成    份:麵粉、人造奶油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油)、水、奶油、脫脂奶粉、乳化劑(脂肪酸甘油酯、大豆卵磷脂)、天然香料、抗氧化劑(維生素E)、天然色素(胡蘿蔔色素)〕、糖、蛋、小麥澱粉、蔬菜調味粉(糖、鹽、洋香菜、胡蘿蔔、芹菜葉、紅椒)、杏仁粉、麥芽糖、香菇湯粉〔香菇粉、麥芽糊精、鹽、調味劑(L-麩酸鈉、DL-胺基丙酸、胺基乙酸、5’-次黃嘌呤核苷磷酸二鈉、5’-鳥嘌呤核苷磷酸二鈉)、糖、品質改良劑(二氧化矽)〕、昆布粉、海苔、無鋁泡打粉〔品質改良劑(酸性焦磷酸鈉)、膨脹劑(碳酸氫鈉)、玉米澱粉、品質改良劑(磷酸二氫鈣)〕、膨脹劑(碳酸氫鈉)
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten, milk, eggs, soy, nuts and their products. Its production equipment includes processing mangoes, peanuts, sulfites, sesame and their products.
Weight: 42g ± 9.0%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.
品    名:蛋黃酥-烏沙  Red Bean & Yolk Cake
成    份:烏豆沙〔花豆、麥芽糖、糖、紅豆、大豆油、奶油、海藻糖、黏稠劑(羥丙基磷酸二澱粉)、鹽、紅茶〕、麵粉、鹹蛋黃、奶油、豬油(台灣)、糖、人造奶油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油、完全氫化棕櫚油)、無水奶油、乳化劑(大豆卵磷脂)、香料、抗氧化劑(維生素E)、天然色素(β胡蘿蔔素)〕、米酒、蛋、鮮奶油〔乳脂、乳固形物、植物性食用膠(關華豆膠)、乳化劑(脂肪酸甘油酯、聚山梨醇酐脂肪酸酯八十)、黏稠劑(玉米糖膠、鹿角菜膠)〕
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten, milk, eggs, soy and their products. Its production equipment includes processing mangoes, peanuts, tree nuts, sulfites, sesame and their products.
Weight: 63g ± 7.0%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.
品    名:黑巧酥芝麻白巧   Chocolate Sesame Cookie
成    份:麵粉、糖、奶油、蛋、黑芝麻、白巧克力風味醬{乳糖、大豆油、糖、未氫化棕櫚調合油〔棕櫚油、棕櫚仁油、乳化劑(聚氧化乙烯(20)山梨醇酐三硬脂酸酯)、葵花籽卵磷脂〕、脫脂奶粉、可可脂、大豆卵磷脂、乳化劑(脂肪酸甘油酯)}、奶粉、可可粉、乳糖、人造奶油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油)、水、奶油、脫脂奶粉、乳化劑(脂肪酸甘油酯、大豆卵磷脂)、天然香料、抗氧化劑(維生素E)、天然色素(胡蘿蔔色素)〕、麥芽糖基海藻糖漿、乳清蛋白粉、蛋白粉、無鋁泡打粉〔品質改良劑(酸性焦磷酸鈉)、膨脹劑(碳酸氫鈉)、玉米澱粉、品質改良劑(磷酸二氫鈣)〕
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten, milk, eggs, soy, sesame and their products. Its production equipment processes mangoes, peanuts, tree nuts, sulfites and their products.
Weight: 57g ± 7.5%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.
品    名:黑巧酥紅豆白巧   Chocolate Red Bean Cookie
成    份:麵粉、糖、奶油、蛋、白巧克力風味醬{乳糖、大豆油、糖、未氫化棕櫚調合油〔棕櫚油、棕櫚仁油、乳化劑(聚氧化乙烯(20)山梨醇酐三硬脂酸酯)、葵花籽卵磷脂〕、脫脂奶粉、可可脂、大豆卵磷脂、乳化劑(脂肪酸甘油酯)}、蜜紅豆、奶粉、可可粉、乳糖、人造奶油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油)、水、奶油、脫脂奶粉、乳化劑(脂肪酸甘油酯、大豆卵磷脂)、天然香料、抗氧化劑(維生素E)、天然色素(胡蘿蔔色素)〕、麥芽糖基海藻糖漿、乳清蛋白粉、蛋白粉、無鋁泡打粉〔品質改良劑(酸性焦磷酸鈉)、膨脹劑(碳酸氫鈉)、玉米澱粉、品質改良劑(磷酸二氫鈣)〕
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten, milk, eggs, soy and their products. Its production equipment includes processing mangoes, peanuts, tree nuts, sulfites, sesame and their products.
Weight: 57g ± 7.5%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.
品    名:綜合堅果塔   Nuts Tart
成    份:杏仁片、果子粉(麥芽糖、糖、糖蜜、麥芽糊精)、麵粉、南瓜子、奶油、腰果、碎核桃、玉米澱粉、糖、夏威夷豆、杏仁角、杏仁粉、蔓越莓果乾、奶粉、牛奶、覆盆子乾燥果粒
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten-containing cereals, milk, nuts and their products. Its production facilities include processing soybeans, mangoes, eggs, peanuts, sulfites, sesame seeds and their products.
Weight: 27g ± 9.0%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.​​​​​​​
品    名:綠豆椪   Mung Bean Flaky Pastry
成    份:綠豆沙〔綠豆、糖、海藻糖、麥芽糖、豬油(台灣)、鹽〕、麵粉、豬油(台灣)、炒牽手肉{豬肉(台灣)、豬油(台灣)、醬油、米酒、油蔥酥〔含豬油(台灣)〕、炸蒜頭〔含豬油(台灣)〕、調味劑(L-麩酸鈉)、五香粉(大茴香、桂通、花椒、小茴香、丁香、三奈、香料)、白胡椒粉、黑胡椒粉、防腐劑(己二烯酸鉀0.2%以下)}、糖、著色劑(食用紅色六號)
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten, soy and their products. Its production equipment processes milk, eggs, mangoes, peanuts, tree nuts, sulfites, sesame and their products.
Weight: 50g ± 9.0%
Note: Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after unpacking.
品    名:鳳梨奶黃酥   Pineapple Custard Puff Pastry
成    份:奶黃餡{黃味餡〔白鳳豆、麥芽糖、糖、奶油、甜味劑(麥芽糖醇)、麥芽糊精、黏稠劑(鹿角菜膠)、植物性食用膠(刺槐豆膠)〕、糖、煉乳、碎蛋黃、蛋、奶油、牛奶、卡士達克林姆粉〔糖、馬鈴薯澱粉、黏稠劑(乙醯化磷酸二澱粉、海藻酸鈉)、乳清蛋白、氫化椰子油、香料、著色劑(β-胡蘿蔔素)〕、奶粉、麥芽糊精、玉米澱粉、麵粉、甜味劑(D-山梨醇液70%)、天然食用色素(黃梔子色素)、香料、鹽、黏稠劑(玉米糖膠)}、麵粉、奶油、土產鳳梨果蜜〔鳳梨、糖、麥芽糊精、海藻糖、棕櫚油、調味劑(檸檬酸、蘋果酸)〕、人造奶油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油、完全氫化棕櫚油)、無水奶油、乳化劑(大豆卵磷脂)、香料、抗氧化劑(維生素E)、天然色素(β胡蘿蔔素)〕、糖、天然食用色素(黃梔子色素)、著色劑(食用紅色六號)
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten, milk, eggs, soy and their products. Its production equipment includes processing mangoes, peanuts, tree nuts, sulfites, sesame and their products.
Weight: 48g ± 9.0%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.​​​​​​​
品    名:鳳梨肉絲堅果塔   Pineapple & Pork Floss Tart
成    份:鳳梨冬瓜醬〔冬瓜、麥芽糖、糖、鳳梨、棕櫚油、奶油、鹽、調味劑(檸檬酸)、香料〕、麵粉、奶油、糖、夏威夷豆、玉米澱粉、肉脯〔豬肉(台灣)、醬油、糖、豌豆粉、鹽、調味劑(5’-次黃嘌呤核苷磷酸二鈉、5’-鳥嘌呤核苷磷酸二鈉)〕、蛋、杏仁粉、奶粉、牛奶、鹽、動物性鮮奶油〔乳油(35.1%乳脂肪)、黏稠劑(鹿角菜膠)〕、無鋁泡打粉〔品質改良劑(酸性焦磷酸鈉)、膨脹劑(碳酸氫鈉)、玉米澱粉、品質改良劑(磷酸二氫鈣)〕
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten, milk, eggs, soy, nuts and their products. Its production equipment includes processing mangoes, peanuts, sulfites, sesame and their products.
Weight: 33g ± 9.0%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.​​​​​​​
品    名:鳳梨椰果酥   Pineapple & Coconut Jelly Pastry
成    份:鳳梨椰果冬瓜醬〔冬瓜、椰果、麥芽糖、糖、鳳梨、棕櫚油、奶油、鹽、香料、調味劑(檸檬酸)〕、麵粉、奶油、蛋、人造奶油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油、完全氫化棕櫚油)、無水奶油、乳化劑(大豆卵磷脂)、香料、抗氧化劑(維生素E)、天然色素(β胡蘿蔔素)〕、糖、鮮奶油〔乳脂、乳固形物、植物性食用膠(關華豆膠)、乳化劑(脂肪酸甘油酯、聚山梨醇酐脂肪酸酯八十)、黏稠劑(玉米糖膠、鹿角菜膠)〕
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten, milk, eggs, soy, nuts and their products. Its production equipment includes processing mangoes, peanuts, sulfites, sesame and their products.
Weight: 62g ± 7.0%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.​​​​​​​
品    名:慕妮夾心-奶香   Sandwich Cookie - Milk Cream
成    份:麵粉、人造奶油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油)、水、奶油、脫脂奶粉、乳化劑(脂肪酸甘油酯、大豆卵磷脂)、天然香料、抗氧化劑(維生素E)、天然色素(胡蘿蔔色素)〕、雪白油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油、大豆油)、乳化劑(脂肪酸聚合甘油酯、脂肪酸甘油酯、大豆卵磷脂)、抗氧化劑(維生素E)〕、糖、白巧克力風味醬{乳糖、大豆油、糖、未氫化棕櫚調合油〔棕櫚油、棕櫚仁油、乳化劑(聚氧化乙烯(20)山梨醇酐三硬脂酸酯)、葵花籽卵磷脂〕、奶粉、可可脂、大豆卵磷脂、乳化劑(脂肪酸甘油酯)}、蛋、奶粉、葡萄糖粉、芝士粉、香料、麥芽糊精、無鋁泡打粉〔品質改良劑(酸性焦磷酸鈉)、膨脹劑(碳酸氫鈉)、玉米澱粉、品質改良劑(磷酸二氫鈣)〕
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten, milk, eggs, soy and their products. Its production equipment includes processing mangoes, peanuts, tree nuts, sulfites, sesame and their products.
Weight: 48g ± 9.0%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.​​​​​​​
品    名:慕妮夾心-藍莓   Sandwich Cookie - Blueberry
成    份:麵粉、人造奶油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油)、水、奶油、脫脂奶粉、乳化劑(脂肪酸甘油酯、大豆卵磷脂)、天然香料、抗氧化劑(維生素E)、天然色素(胡蘿蔔色素)〕、糖、蛋、雪白油〔植物油脂(棕櫚油、大豆油)、乳化劑(脂肪酸聚合甘油酯、脂肪酸甘油酯、大豆卵磷脂)、抗氧化劑(維生素E)〕、奶粉、即溶藍莓果汁粉〔糖、麥芽糊精、藍莓濃縮汁、調味劑(檸檬酸、檸檬酸鈉)、香料、天然食用色素(葡萄果皮色素、梔子藍色素)〕、海藻糖、麥芽糖、小麥澱粉、香料、無鋁泡打粉〔品質改良劑(酸性焦磷酸鈉)、膨脹劑(碳酸氫鈉)、玉米澱粉、品質改良劑(磷酸二氫鈣)〕、著色劑(食用藍色二號、食用紅色七號)
Allergen Statement: This product contains allergens such as gluten, milk, eggs, soy and their products. Its production equipment includes processing mangoes, peanuts, tree nuts, sulfites, sesame and their products.
Weight: 48g ± 9.0%
Notes: 1. This product does not contain partially hydrogenated oil. The trace amount of trans fat in the product comes from the conjugated trans fatty acids (natural trans fats) naturally present in butter and dairy products. Please consume it with confidence. 2. Do not place in a humid, high temperature or direct sunlight location; consume as soon as possible after opening.
Shipping Method
Our company adopts the production method of receiving orders first and then making fresh products. According to the standard production process, the products you ordered will be shipped within 10 days ( except the two weeks before the New Year and other delivery peak periods ) . You can also call us during working hours to inquire, and we will check and reply to you immediately ~
《Fee Explanation》
Taiwan Mainland - Free shipping for room temperature goods with a purchase of NT$3,000 or more, NT$170 will be charged for purchases below NT$3,000 ; free shipping for refrigerated and frozen goods with a purchase of NT$5,000 or more, NT$225 will be charged for purchases below NT$5,000.
Taiwan outlying islands - Free shipping for purchases over NT$5,000. For purchases under NT$5,000, a shipping fee of NT$280 will be charged for room temperature products, and a shipping fee of NT$340 will be charged for refrigerated or frozen products.
International delivery - shipping costs are calculated based on the delivery area.
※The free shipping threshold is limited by the official website and is limited to single-point delivery. If multi-point delivery is required, orders can be placed in batches.
※We cannot combine orders for cross-temperature products, and we cannot specify the delivery time for refrigerated products ( refrigerated temperature 3℃~7℃) and frozen products ( frozen temperature below -15℃ ).
※If the delivery address is temporarily modified, additional fees will be charged.
※Our company takes orders before production, please pay special attention to the waiting time for delivery.
※If the delivery cannot be made on time due to natural disasters or unexpected man-made force majeure, the customer will be notified to postpone or cancel the order.
※The product cannot be delivered to a PO box address. We will deliver to the designated address. If the recipient deliberately refuses to accept the package or no one is available to sign for it, the transaction will be considered completed.
If you need to cancel an order in Taiwan, please notify us seven days before shipment. For overseas regions, please notify us ten days before shipment. If you cancel or refuse to accept the order without reason after shipment, you will be included in the blacklist of our company's channels.
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